Far and Wide Art started as a hobby. Stijn, the founder and creator of Far and Wide Art, has always had a passion to explore the natural beauty that our planet has to offer. Particularly the mountains have always called out to him. Combining his wanderlust with his love of photography, he'd venture into the wild and capture breathtaking vistas.
In the Fall of 2014, while going through a divorce, he decided to decorate a wall in his apartment bedroom with a mountainscape. Choosing a mountainscape image was a deliberate choice; mountains resonated with his soul, and it'd help him focus his energy on his passions. After all, it'd be the last thing he'd see before turning in every night and the first thing he'd see when waking up every morning. Going through his collection of photographs from his trips to the Alps, he realized he had a number of pictures that overlapped; this meant he could use these to create a panorama. And that's exactly what he did, he created his very first panorama! Today, over 8 years later, that same panorama still adorns his bedroom wall, giving him the inspiration he needs to seize another day, every morning!
Friends and family would often comment that they liked the panorama. This inspired Stijn to deliberately take pictures with overlap for the purpose of creating panoramas. He created several more panoramas in the years that followed; several of which currently decorate the walls of his home. Friends and family would often suggest he could sell prints of his work. He'd usually shrug off the idea, but when the world was hit with the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and public life shut down, he decided to finally give it a go. And thus, Far and Wide Art was born!
Stijn in the Swiss Alps, 2018.